Facts about Teeth Shaping and Contouring

In our nearby street, there lives a lady who has crooked teeth and her son has overlapping teeth. Looking at them, I wonder how embarrassing they would be feeling when someone in case comments on their teeth structure. It’s not we are making fun of them; we just pass a comment which indirectly can hurt them.

Well, I suggested that lady to get some treatment done such as teeth shaping to have a flawless smile and then I never seen her; maybe she left or maybe I won’t be available when she is; Well, whatever the thing is what I want to convey is Dental industry has improved and there are many new technologies and treatments available through which you can have a smooth shining straight smile.

One of these dental treatments is teeth contouring or we can say teeth reshaping in normal language. It has several advantages and also some drawbacks which you must be aware of. Here, in this blog post we will see some of the facts related to this treatment which can give you confidence that the treatment is worth giving you a good smile.

How Teeth Contouring is Done?

For this process, enamel can be removed in small quantity from the teeth. This can change the shape, length and appearance of the teeth. It is used as a cosmetic treatment and is a traditional dental treatment. It is used to address certain issues such as irregularly shaped teeth or teeth with small bulges.

It is Affordable: Another important fact is that it is an inexpensive treatment as it doesn’t need Anesthesia. Compared to getting braces, this process is less expensive. It can improve the health of your teeth.

At times, plaque or tartar can get trapped in the teeth making it difficult to keep your teeth clean. If not removed, these can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

Along with this, there are few disadvantages of the treatment that you must be aware of:


a) Enamel is removed from smile: For making this treatment effective, enamel is removed from the smile. Enamel saves your teeth from plaque and tartar keeping you away from cavities. Removing enamel can open doors to cavities, tooth decay and gum disease.

Yes, if you brush your teeth flawlessly and regularly then this can avoid the problems.

b) Consider it cautiously: The enamel once removed cannot be replaced hence you must be very careful before getting ready for the treatment. If the enamel layer becomes too thin then you may be prone to hot and cold sensitivity.

In such cases where re contouring is not possible; alternative treatments such as bonding or veneers can be done.

c) Not a substitute for Bonding or Veneers: If your teeth has some imperfections such as deep fracture then re contouring may not be possible. It is not a substitute for veneers or bonding but it can be used in combination with these procedures.

Knowing the facts of re contouring treatment; one can decide whether one wants to go for it or not. With few benefits and disadvantages, it can be an easy way to get the teeth in shape however it is subject to the loss of teeth enamel that leads you towards hot and cold sensitivity.

If you are planning for teeth reshaping, go through this guide at least once and then you can take the proper decision. For further detailed information, you can contact expert Dentists Geelong.

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